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Residential Leak Detection For Pools, Spas & Fountains in Montgomery & Auburn, AL

Protect Your Water Feature With Our Leak Detection Services

As a homeowner, there’s nothing more relaxing than taking a dip in your pool, enjoying the soothing jets of your spa, or admiring the peaceful trickle of your fountain. However, leaks in these features can turn your serene backyard into a source of frustration. That’s where the experts at American Leak Detection of Southern Alabama come in. We specialize in non-invasive leak detection for pools, spas, and fountains, ensuring that your water features remain worry-free.

With a rich history and commitment to innovation, our experts employ cutting-edge technology and proven methodologies to detect leaks with unparalleled accuracy. Our goal is to provide peace of mind, ensuring your water features remain a source of joy rather than a cause for concern.

Time is of the essence when it comes to leak detection. Water feature leaks can result in substantial damage, affecting both your property and wallet. From erosion to increased humidity, these issues can escalate, resulting in costly repairs and prolonged disruption to your daily life. Timely leak detection can prevent water wastage, preserve your landscape, and maintain structural integrity. Our technicians understand the complexities of water features and can detect leaks without causing unnecessary damage to your property.

Looking for expert leak detection services for your water feature? Call us at (334) 384-8221 or request an appointment online today.

Signs That You Have a Leak

Water features lose water naturally due to evaporation, splash-out, and filter backwashing. However, excessive water loss is often a sign of a hidden leak. Here are a few indicators that your pool, spa, or fountain may have a leak:

  • Unexplained water loss: If you’re constantly refilling your pool or fountain more often than normal, a leak may be the culprit.
  • Increased water bills: A sudden spike in your water bill could indicate a slow but steady leak.
  • Wet spots or sinkholes: Water pooling around your pool, spa, or fountain could mean a leak is affecting the surrounding soil.
  • Cracks or gaps in the structure: Shifts in the ground or water loss can lead to cracks or gaps in your pool or fountain’s structure.
  • Algae growth: Excessive water leakage can disrupt the chemical balance in your pool, leading to rapid algae growth.

If you’re noticing any of these signs, it’s essential to address the issue promptly before it worsens and causes further damage to your property.

The Impact of Ignoring a Leak

Delaying leak detection and repair can have long-term consequences, including:

  • Structural damage: Water seeping into the ground can weaken the foundation of your pool or surrounding structures, leading to expensive repairs.
  • Increased chemical use: Constantly adding water to your pool or spa affects its chemical balance, forcing you to use more chemicals to maintain a clean and safe environment.
  • Higher energy costs: A leaking pool pump or heater has to work harder to maintain proper circulation, leading to a spike in your energy bills.

Leak detection is not just about fixing a problem—it's about safeguarding your investment and preserving your home’s integrity. At American Leak Detection of Southern Alabama, we’re dedicated to providing services that protect your pools, spas, and fountains from the hidden threat of leaks.

Ready to get started with leak detection for your home’s pool, spa, or fountain? Call (334) 384-8221  or request an appointment here.

To learn about our leak detection services for your home, call (334) 384-8221 today!
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